The ExecuteReader() method extracts a data reader object that allows you to examine the results of a SQL Select statement using a forward-only, read-only flow of information. However, when you wish to submit SQL statements that result in the modification of a given table (or any other non-query SQL statement, such as creating tables or granting permissions), you call the ExecuteNonQuery() method of your command object. This single method performs inserts, updates, and deletes based on the format of your command text.
Note Technically speaking, a nonquery is a SQL statement that does not return a result set. Thus, Select statements are queries, while Insert, Update, and Delete statements are not. Given this, ExecuteNonQuery() returns an int that represents the number of rows affected, not a new set of records.
Next, you will learn how to modify an existing database using nothing more than a call to ExecuteNonQuery(); your next goal is to build a custom data access library that can encapsulate the process of operating upon the AutoLot database. In a production-level environment, your ADO.NET logic will almost always be isolated to a .NET *.dll assembly for one simple reason: code reuse! The first examples of this chapter have not done, simply so you can keep focused on the task at hand; however, it would be a waste of time to author the same connection logic, the same data reading logic, and the same command logic for every application that needs to interact with the AutoLot database.
Isolating data access logic to a .NET code library means that multiple applications using any sort of front end (e.g., console-based, desktop-based, and web based) can reference the library at hand in a language-independent manner. Thus, if you author your data library using C#, other .NET programmers can build a UI in the language of their choice (e.g., VB or C++/CLI).
In this chapter, your data library (AutoLotDAL.dll) will contain a single namespace (AutoLotConnectedLayer) that interacts with AutoLot using the connected types of ADO.NET. In the next chapter, you will add a new namespace (AutoLotDisconnectionLayer) to this same *.dll that contains types to communicate with AutoLot using the disconnected layer. Multiple applications will take advantage of this library throughout the remainder of this book.
Begin by creating a new C# Class Library project named AutoLotDAL (short for AutoLot Data Access Layer) and renaming your initial C# code file to AutoLotConnDAL.cs. Next, rename your namespace scope to AutoLotConnectedLayer and change the name of your initial class to InventoryDAL; this class will define various members to interact with the Inventory table of the AutoLot database. Finally, import the following .NET namespaces:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; // You will use the SQL server // provider; however, it would also be // permissible to use the ADO.NET // factory pattern for greater flexibility. using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace AutoLotConnectedLayer { public class InventoryDAL { } }
Note You might recall from Chapter 8 that when objects use types that manage raw resources (e.g., a database connection), it is a good practice to implement IDisposable and author a proper finalizer. In a production environment, classes such as InventoryDAL would do the same; however, you won’t do that here, so you can stay focused on the particulars of ADO.NET.
The first task you must attend to is to define some methods that allow the caller to connect to and disconnect from the data source using a valid connection string. You will hard-code your AutoLotDAL.dll assembly to use of the types of System.Data.SqlClient, so you need to define a private member variable of SqlConnection that is allocated at the time the InventoryDAL object is created. Also, define a method named OpenConnection() and another named CloseConnection() to interact with this member variable:
public class InventoryDAL { // This member will be used by all methods. private SqlConnection = null; public void OpenConnection(string connectionString) { sqlCn = new SqlConnection(); sqlCn.ConnectionString = connectionString; sqlCn.Open(); } public void CloseConnection() { sqlCn.Close(); } }
For the sake of brevity, your InventoryDAL type will not test for possible exceptions, nor will it throw custom exceptions under various circumstances (e.g., a malformed connection string). If you were to build an industrial-strength data access library, you would absolutely want to use structured exception handling techniques to account for any runtime anomalies.
Inserting a new record into the Inventory table is as simple as formatting the SQL Insert statement (based on user input) and calling the ExecuteNonQuery() using your command object. You can see this in action by adding a public method to your InventoryDAL type named InsertAuto() that takes four parameters that map to the four columns of the Inventory table (CarID, Color, Make, and PetName). You use these arguments to format a string type to insert the new record. Finally, use your SqlConnection object to execute the SQL statement:
public void InsertAuto(int id, string color, string make, string petName) { // Format and execute SQL statement. string sql = string.Format("Insert Into Inventory" + "(CarID, Make, Color, PetName) Values" + "('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')", id, make, color, petName); // Execute using our connection. using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
This method is syntactically fine, but you could supply an overloaded version that allows the caller to pass in a strongly typed class that represents the data for the new row. Define a new NewCar class, which represents a new row in the Inventory table:
public class NewCar { public int CarID { get; set; } public string Color { get; set; } public string Make { get; set; } public string PetName { get; set; } }
Now add the following version of InsertAuto() to your InventoryDAL class:
public void InsertAuto(NewCar car) { // Format and execute SQL statement. string sql = string.Format("Insert Into Inventory" + "(CarID, Make, Color, PetName) Values" + "('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')", car.CarID, car.Make, car.Color, car.PetName); // Execute using our connection. using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
Defining classes that represent records in a relational database is a common way to build a data access library. In fact, as you will see in Chapter 23, the ADO.NET Entity Framework automatically generates strongly typed classes that allow you to interact with database data. On a related note, the disconnected layer of ADO.NET (see Chapter 22) generates strongly typed DataSet objects to represent data from a given table in a relational database.
Note As you might know, building a SQL statement using string concatenation can be risky from a security point of view (think: SQL injection attacks). The preferred way to build command text is to use a parameterized query, which you will learn about shortly.
Deleting an existing record is as simple as inserting a new record. Unlike when you created the code listing for InsertAuto(), this time you will learn about an important try/catch scope that handles the possibility of attempting to delete a car that is currently on order for an individual in the Customers table. Add the following method to the InventoryDAL class type:
public void DeleteCar(int id) { // Get ID of car to delete, then do so. string sql = string.Format("Delete from Inventory where CarID = '{0}'", id); using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch(SqlException ex) { Exception error = new Exception("Sorry! That car is on order!", ex); throw error; } } }
When it comes to the act of updating an existing record in the Inventory table, the first thing you must decide is what you want to allow the caller to change, whether it’s the car’s color, the pet name, the make, or all of the above. One way to give the caller complete flexibility is to define a method that takes a string type to represent any sort of SQL statement, but that is risky at best.
Ideally, you want to have a set of methods that allow the caller to update a record in a variety of ways. However, for this simple data access library, you will define a single method that allows the caller to update the pet name of a given automobile:
public void UpdateCarPetName(int id, string newPetName) { // Get ID of car to modify and new pet name. string sql = string.Format("Update Inventory Set PetName = '{0}' Where CarID = '{1}'", newPetName, id); using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
Next, you need to add a selection method. As you saw earlier in this chapter, a data provider’s data reader object allows for a selection of records using a read-only, forward-only server-side cursor. As you call the Read() method, you can process each record in a fitting manner. While this is all well and good, you need to contend with the issue of how to return these records to the calling tier of your application.
One approach would be to populate and return a multidimensional array (or other such return value, such as a generic List<NewCar> object) with the data obtained by the Read() method. Here is a second way to obtain data from the Inventory table that uses the latter approach:
public List<NewCar> GetAllInventoryAsList() { // This will hold the records. List<NewCar> inv = new List<NewCar>(); // Prep command object. string sql = "Select * From Inventory"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { inv.Add(new NewCar { CarID = (int)dr["CarID"], Color = (string)dr["Color"], Make = (string)dr["Make"], PetName = (string)dr["PetName"] }); } dr.Close(); } return inv; }
Still another approach is to return a System.Data.DataTable object, which is actually part of the disconnected layer of ADO.NET. You will find complete coverage of the disconnected layer in the next chapter; however, for the time being, you should understand that a DataTable is a class type that represents a tabular block of data (e.g., a grid on a spreadsheet).
Internally, the DataTable class represents data as a collection of rows and columns. While you can fill these collections programmatically, the DataTable type provides a method named Load() that automatically populates these collections using a data reader object! Consider the following methods, which return data from Inventory as a DataTable:
public DataTable GetAllInventoryAsDataTable() { // This will hold the records. DataTable inv = new DataTable(); // Prep command object. string sql = "Select * From Inventory"; using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Fill the DataTable with data from the reader and clean up. inv.Load(dr); dr.Close(); } return inv; }
Currently, the insert, update, and delete logic for the InventoryDAL type uses hard-coded string-literals for each SQL query. As you might know, you can use a parameterized query to treat SQL parameters as objects, rather than as a simple blob of text. Treating SQL queries in a more object-oriented manner helps reduce the number of typos (given strongly typed properties); plus, parameterized queries typically execute much faster than a literal SQL string because they are parsed exactly once (rather than each time the SQL string is assigned to the CommandText property). Parameterized queries also help protect against SQL injection attacks (a well-known data access security issue).
To support parameterized queries, ADO.NET command objects maintain a collection of individual parameter objects. By default, this collection is empty, but you can insert any number of parameter objects that map to a placeholder parameter in the SQL query. When you wish to associate a parameter within a SQL query to a member in the command object’s parameters collection, you can prefix the SQL text parameter with the @ symbol (at least when using Microsoft SQL Server; not all DBMSs support this notation).
Before you build a parameterized query, you need to familiarize yourself with the DbParameter type (which is the base class to a provider’s specific parameter object). This class maintains a number of properties that allow you to configure the name, size, and data type of the parameter, as well as other characteristics, including the parameter’s direction of travel. Table 21-7 describes some key properties of the DbParameter type.
Table 21-7. Key Members of the DbParameter Type
Property | Meaning in Life |
DbType | Gets or sets the native data type of the parameter, represented as a CLR data type. |
Direction | Gets or sets whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bidirectional, or a return value parameter. |
IsNullable | Gets or sets whether the parameter accepts null values. |
ParameterName | Gets or sets the name of the DbParameter. |
Size | Gets or sets the maximum parameter size of the data in bytes; this is only useful for textual data. |
Value | Gets or sets the value of the parameter. |
Now let’s look at how to populate a command object’s collection of DBParameter-compatible objects by reworking the following version of the InsertAuto() method to leverage parameter objects (you could perform a similar reworking for your remaining methods; however, that’s not necessary for this example):
public void InsertAuto(int id, string color, string make, string petName) { // Note the "placeholders" in the SQL query. string sql = string.Format("Insert Into Inventory" + "(CarID, Make, Color, PetName) Values" + "(@CarID, @Make, @Color, @PetName)"); // This command will have internal parameters. using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.sqlCn)) { // Fill params collection. SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@CarID"; param.Value = id; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@Make"; param.Value = make; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; param.Size = 10; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@Color"; param.Value = color; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; param.Size = 10; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@PetName"; param.Value = petName; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; param.Size = 10; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
Again, notice that your SQL query consists of four embedded placeholder symbols, each of which is prefixed with the @ token. You can use the SqlParameter type to map each placeholder using the ParameterName property and specify various details (e.g., its value, data type, and size) in a strongly typed matter. Once each parameter object is hydrated, it is added to the command object’s collection through a call to Add().
Note This example uses various properties to establish a parameter object. Note, however, that parameter objects support a number of overloaded constructors that allow you to set the values of various properties (which will result in a more compact code base). Also be aware that Visual Studio 2010 provides many graphical designers that will generate a good deal of this grungy parameter-centric code on your behalf (see Chapters 22 and 23).
While building a parameterized query often requires more code, the end result is a more convenient way to tweak SQL statements programmatically, as well as to achieve better overall performance. While you are free to use this technique whenever a SQL query is involved, parameterized queries prove most helpful when you wish to trigger a stored procedure.
Recall that a stored procedure is a named block of SQL code stored in the database. You can construct stored procedures so they return a set of rows or scalar data types or do anything else that makes sense (e.g., insert, update, or delete); you can also have them take any number of optional parameters. The end result is a unit of work that behaves like a typical function, except that it is located on a data store rather than a binary business object. Currently, your AutoLot database defines a single stored procedure named GetPetName, which you formatted as follows:
GetPetName @carID int, @petName char(10) output AS SELECT @petName = PetName from Inventory where CarID = @carID
Now consider the following final method of the InventoryDAL type, which invokes your stored procedure:
public string LookUpPetName(int carID) { string carPetName = string.Empty; // Establish name of stored proc. using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetPetName", this.sqlCn)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Input param. SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@carID"; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; param.Value = carID; // The default direction is in fact Input, but to be clear: param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); // Output param. param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@petName"; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Char; param.Size = 10; param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); // Execute the stored proc. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Return output param. carPetName = (string)cmd.Parameters["@petName"].Value; } return carPetName; }
One important aspect of invoking a stored procedure is to keep in mind that a command object can represent a SQL statement (the default) or the name of a stored procedure. When you wish to inform a command object that it will be invoking a stored procedure, you pass in the name of the procedure (as a constructor argument or by using the CommandText property) and must set the CommandType property to the value CommandType.StoredProcedure (if you fail to do this, you will receive a runtime exception because the command object is expecting a SQL statement by default):
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetPetName", this.sqlCn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Next, notice that the Direction property of a parameter object allows you to specify the direction of travel for each parameter passed to the stored procedure (e.g., input parameter, output parameter, in/out parameter, or return value). As before, you add each parameter object to the command object’s parameters collection:
// Input param. SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@carID"; param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; param.Value = carID; param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add(param);
After the stored procedure completes with a call to ExecuteNonQuery(), you can obtain the value of the output parameter by investigating the command object’s parameter collection and casting accordingly:
// Return output param. carPetName = (string)cmd.Parameters["@petName"].Value;
At this point, your initial iteration of the AutoLotDAL.dll data access library is complete! You can use this assembly to build any sort of front end to display and edit your data you want (e.g., console based, Windows Forms based, Windows Presentation Foundation based, or an HTML-based web application). You have not yet examined how to build graphical user interfaces, so next you will test your data library from a new console application.
Source Code You can find the AutoLotDAL project under the Chapter 21 subdirectory.